Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One Lazy Poet

....Sometimes mountains conceal
which is beyond the mountains
so the mountains must be moved
but I lack the necessary
technical means
and the strength
and the faith
to move mountains
so you will not see it
I know
and that is why
I write

--Tadeusz Rozewicz ~ Book

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One False Apocalypse

The End of the World
By Miroslav Holub

The bird had come to the very end of its song
and the tree was dissolving under its claws.

And in the sky the clouds were twisting
and darkness flowed through all the cracks
into the sinking vessel of the landscape.

Only in the telegraph wires
a message still

C-.-o---m--e. h...o---m--e.
y-.--o---u..- h...a.-v...-e.
